English III Magnet American Literature

Plan on reviewing in class various sentence patterns that you would like to include in your crtical research papers.

A Return to Ancient Teachings -- Language and Literature in the Western Tradition


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On this page I'll include all the information students need for their major course assignments, such as due dates and guidelines. It is still the responsibility of each student to maintain an assignment page in his or her Time Tracker, which was provided by the school.

 English 1301 -- Critical Reading and Composition
The Art of Styling Sentences,
Patterns 1-10 (Provided in class handouts)
Plan on reviewing the Sentence Patterns in The Art of Styling Sentences and using these in your critical research papers.
English 1301: Supplemental Essays include:
Classical Views of Virtuous Friendship
Nichomachean Ethics by Aristotle
Cicero' Laelius
The Confessions of St. Augustine
Excepts from Thomas Aquinas' Summa Theologica
Reverend Martin Luther King Jr.'s Letter from a Birmingham Jail.

English 1302 Critical Reading of Literature and Composition
The Art of Styling Sentences, Patterns 11-20 (Provided in class handouts)

 English 1302 Students: Begin writing your college application essays. Here are three topics you can adapt as you need to do so. Write all three and consider them a part of your portfolio collection.
1. What life experiences have you had that you would consider defining moments? Describe what happened and how it was a personal epiphany.
2. What attributes do you possess that would make you an asset to the social, cultural, and educational climate of the college of your choice? Be specific and provide anecdotal evidence.
3. Recall a time in your life when you had to make a life-altering decision which affected you and someone else in you life. What happened and what did it teach you about yourself, about people, about the world. How has this decision made you a stronger person, or heightened your sensitivity or self-awareness?

Need some help with this week's assignment? Come talk to me about it. Office Hours: Burleson, Carrel B MW: 2:00 --5:00 p.m.